Thursday, December 4, 2008

i saved edward norton's life this morning

"the alchemist" changed my life. to that degree, that and other books, have been listed by this guy that i randomly came across today. the blog site itself is now placed on the list with my other favorite blogs, but one entry in particular lists a number of life changing books that i strongly agree with. for you readers out there, i suggest you check it out,

actually, the way i found this site, was that i had a very vivid dream of getting in a gang fight on the lot of my old church in Atlanta. analytically, it was probably my sub-conscious going to war over the ongoing confusion (and internal difference of opinion) as to God's calling on my life. that neatly explains the majority of the dream. but then, as i was carrying my gun out of church (cmon, it was a gang war, what did you think i was going to bring? church or no church!) i saw edward norton with his back on the ground, face turned up looking into the barrel of a pistol held by the rival gang's leader. in hindsight, i think that was also me. hence, to save edward norton, i shot myself. myself shot me back. and for a full clip, myself and i continued to shoot each other, only hitting each other to create hollywood flesh wounds in the shoulders, thighs, and whatnot. edward norton also caught a random shot in the stomach, which oddly didn't seem to affect him at all. probably because i admire his work so (at least all of which was before 2005, check i don't know if i actually killed my other self or not. i suppose we'll find out when i become a either a preacher or a DJ. but either way, i got to a point where edward norton pulled me up, and we limped to safety, where he turned into a gorgeous woman of sanaa lathan appearance and started to unbutton her bra. of course, that's when the alarm went off, and i left my apartment to go teach over-croweded classes of puerto rico's upper class, private-school enrolled pre-teenagers.

upon wanted to write all of that, i went searching for a picture of edward norton (all the pictures of half-naked sanaa lathan were hard to come by). even more difficult were pictures of edward norton lying on the ground, looking into the barrel of a pistol. and i know he has done scenes like that (fight club, red dragon, death to smoochy, i'm a fan, really). ultimately though, the pic led me to this guy's site (listed above) as he was reviewing the book Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk, whom also wrote Fight Club, both of which i have read and enjoyed. i went on to surf this guy's site and, there you have it, a new found love for reading books again. i suppose this guy and i just have similar tastes.

which brings me to wonder what the hell i am doing with my life to the point where i don't have time to read anymore. i miss reading, but it is time-consuming. when i get in a book, i am sucked in for real. i was doing good a month or two ago, and then i got electricity, internet, and a car, and all of a sudden, reading a home became the last thing to do on my list, despite the fact that i enjoyed it so. maybe i just need a good chair.

so, let's see. we have 1) random book reviewing website, 2) crazy-ass dream in which i might have killed myself, 3) self-reflection as to whether or not God wants me to be a minister, 4) simultaneous web surfing for pictures of edward norton and naked sanaa lathan, 5) puzzlement over my lapse in consistent reading, and 6) recent firefox tab opening to craigslist for reclining chairs for sale.

i think this entry wrapped up nicely. thank you. have a nice day.

ps. all of that, and still no damn picture.


wild cowgirl said...

1. sanaa aint that type of lady. (no full nudity)

2. be a i can be your backup dancer. i can learn liturgical dance.

3. you really should get a script together and submit that to hollywood. shooting yourself over + over again WITH ED NORTON...and then, without a segue, a sex scene. you'll have a blockbuster

4. paulo coelho will save YOUR life. just dive into more of his books. for you, for now, i choose "the pilgrimage".

viridiansun said...

Oh I am SOOOO glad I got to see Pam's comment.

1. Topless, maybe
2. Don't call liturgical dancers the Minister's Fly Girls
3. Pam is correct
4. She has read every last ONE of this man's books. It's a little creepy to be honest...all I'm saying is I wouldn't get in too deep.